Steve Brinks is a photographer based out of Puyallup, Washington.

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My passion for photography started when I was in high school. From the moment I got my hands on my grandfather’s old Pentax I was hooked. I used that camera as often as I could photographing everything from animals, landscapes, people, live music, and in 2003 when my daughter was born I photographed her too. Unfortunately, not long after that digital cameras became more and more common and film development started to slowly get harder to have done. I ended up using a little handy point and shoot digital camera but that was never quite the same.

As my daughter got older in middle school and started doing more activities I started to get the “itch” again. So I went out and got a new DSLR to help me reconnect with photography.

Then in 2015 when my son was born that passion really started to heat back up again. I decided to upgrade my equipment and I was constantly taking photos again. I took so many photos of my son that now he runs from the camera. Soon enough I was taking photos for friends and family and an occasional live band.

Then in August of 2021 I was not prepared for what would happen next . I was just waking up to get ready for work when I saw online that my workplace was on fire. I decided to look at the situation as a new beginning and finally do what I really love to do. I decided to launch my photography business and Steve Brinks Photography was born.